You absolutely retain the rights to your themes. At any point you can remove your themes from the Bootstrap Themes, bring it to be an exclusive by removing it from others, or even take an exclusive theme and list it elsewhere. To change between exclusive/non-exclusive, just be sure to edit your theme and update the "Exclusivity" option. If you want to remove a live theme, we require that you contact us at as we'll need to make some administrative adjustments for existing customers and ensuring you get paid appropriately.
Articles in this section
- Applying to be a seller
- How do I upload my theme?
- What are the support requirements?
- What is the review process for themes?
- How do I process a refund?
- Are all themes accepted on the site?
- Do I retain the rights to themes I sell on Bootstrap Themes?
- Who can leave reviews?
- Can unfair reviews be removed? What about reviews from refunded orders?
- What new features are in the works that improve Bootstrap Themes for me?